Author Archives: thebigboobblog

Another new boob use

I was baking the other day and I needed to use butter in the recipe.  I realized too late that the butter was supposed to be left out so it would be “softened” by the time I needed it.  I decided to throw the two sticks (wrapped of course) in my bra in between by breasts for a few minutes.  My body head did the trick and softened the butter in no time.  I think I will send this tip into Martha Stewart.  Maybe she will share it on her show?

New boob use

I’ve always found my boobs attractive but I never thought they had a tremendous amount of utility.  Some other big breasted women think otherwise.

Check out what this one can do with hers:


Good boob day

While most women I know look forward to their good hair days, I have to say I often enjoy when I know I am having a “good boob day.”  While I always try to wear a supportive bra, some days my breasts look better in my clothes than others.  I can’t decide which is better, a good hair day or a good boob day.  I hope for many of both in the future.


We’re sorry we haven’t written in a while

We’ll try to get better about it.

Creepy PSA ads

Sort of off topic for this blog but I saw this and thought I would mention it.

These are PSAs targeted at men who father children with underage girls. They photoshopped huge boobs onto the bodies of young girls to show that just because some girls may look like women, they are not, in fact, old enough to have a relationship with adults.


I much prefer seeing big boobs on actual women.  This is just creepy and gross.

Back into my boobs

For a while I wasn’t happy about my new boobs. For those of you who are new to this blog, I recently had a natural breast enhancement. No surgery required. I’m pregnant and the boob job took care of itself.

I wasn’t happy with my breasts at first. They were more than a handful (no pun intended) and required new bras and new concern that I was popping out of my regular tops and dresses.

Today however, I made peace with my extra large friends and I have to say, I’m kind of excited about them. While I always enjoyed having large boobs, I now have the kind of the porn star variety. Turns out, it can be a lot of fun. I’m enjoying admiring myself in the mirror again. I don’t know how long they’ll last but I’m looking forward to enjoying them as long as I’ve got them.

Bras, who really cares?

Sometimes I think it’s funny how much time and effort we put into finding the greatest bra. I mentioned my trip to the wizard a little while ago and I am loving my purchases. Every time I look in the mirror I think my breasts look just perfect, particularly the part that come up just over the top of the cup. They are well supported and sexy, a great combination.

But I realized today that men probably don’t really care at all how perfect I look in my bra, they just want me to take it off, right?  DeeDee talked about this in reference to sexy bras asking whether they have a purpose.  If they don’t, why do we spend so much money and effort on them?  I guess I’m just doing it for myself.  If no one else, at least I am enjoying the view.


BBB Field trip: I’m off to see the Wizard

I took a road trip today to do some research for your reading pleasure. I ended up somewhere over the mountains, way up high; my destination was a store I had heard of once in a lullaby. OK, I didn’t exactly hear about it in a lullaby but the place is called “The Wizard of Bras” so I thought I might try to play with as many puns as possible. But before I talk about my trip, it’s time I came clean about something.

I was off to see the Wizard for more than just research. It’s time for me to buy new bras because I’ve had a problem in the past couple of weeks. My boobs have been growing at an alarming rate in a way they never have before. I wish I could say that this was due to some magical pill I had invented or because those “I must, I must, I must increase my bust” exercises I did in the sixth grade finally paid off but the truth is: this half of the Big Boob Blog is pregnant. And, as a result, I’ve been popping out of almost every bra I own from expensive to cheap. I’m three months in and it’s time for me to get a handle on all of this extra boobage.

So, back to my wizardly experience. I knew I could not handle my new situation on my own and I’d heard those who go to see the Wizard leave with something more useful than a heart or a brain or courage: the elusive perfect fitting bra. So, I followed the yellow brick road across several miles and freeways until I found Oz. When I got there I was sort of disappointed; I was expecting the Emerald City and what I found was a hole in the wall on the side of the highway that sold everything from bras to feather boas to crotchless panties to a game called “Pin the Macho on the Male.” Oz was a little trashier than I thought. Still, their website said they carried some of my favorites like Fantasie of England and Wacoal so I figured I’d stick around.

Just like in the movie, there was a long wait to see the Wizard. I had to fill out a form with my needs and was told it would be 30-60 minutes before I would be served. Perhaps this is a tactic to weed out those not strong enough to face the Wizard? It didn’t matter to me. I write a blog about boobs and I have a reputation to protect so I wasn’t going anywhere.

When my name and number were finally called, the Wizard, (who turned out to be a petite blonde named Holly) escorted me into the back and got down to work with a tape measure. I explained that I had been fitted many times and that I wear a 38DDD but I knew I had grown a little bit. As it turns out, that would be the understatement of the year.

When the Wizard was through measuring and sizing me up with her eyes, she made her ruling. “I’m going to have you start by trying a 38G” she explained. That’s right, you read that correctly. A 38G. G as in girl. G as in grandiose. G as in GOOD GOD how did I ever GET so big? I remember my shock and horror when I moved up from a DD to a DDD for the first time. I enjoy having big boobs but I never wanted them freakishly big. This news was almost too much to take. . .and then the Wizard hit me with the kicker: “in the next few weeks and months, you’re only going to get bigger and bigger.”

I don’t know what I was expecting when I went in there but not this. After a few moments of shock, I gathered my thoughts and emotions and held my head (and boobs) high. OK, I said. I’ll try anything you’ve got. The Wizard disappeared and returned with a 38H. H as in the letter that comes after G. Why were the letters going up? Had I grown a cup size while she was picking out bras behind the curtain? The Wizard explained that she wanted to put me in something with room to grow. Fortunately, I was swimming in the H and we agreed it wasn’t necessary. . .yet.

I tried on a bunch of other suitors, many of which made me way too pointy. I told the Wizard I wanted more of a molded and less of a Madonna fit. Some of the next few were pretty but just too lacy. I was beginning to give up hope. Then, another woman behind the curtain emerged with the winner. Much to my surprise, it was a bra I blogged about just a few weeks ago: the Fantasie Smoothing Balcony bra. Only this time instead of a DDD or and E, I took home two in a 38G. If I couldn’t have my normal size, at least I could have an old friend by my side who was ready to take on my ever-expanding chest. As an added bonus, I also picked up an awesome black sports bra made by Anita.

When it was all over, I decided me and my boobs needed a nap. I woke up to find that my day wasn’t a dream at all and I now have not only a heart, brain, and courage, but the support I need to get though the next six months in style and comfort. I’ll keep you updated on my progress and my sizing. And even though I just cleaned out my bra drawer to make room for my new purchases, I’m keeping my name (3D) for now. There’s only so much change one boob blogger can take in a day. I may not be in Kansas anymore but I am just not ready to admit I’m in G-town yet.




Someone more into boobs than we are

This is really gross.  I am not even sure why I am posting it but this is a blog about big boobs so I generally include anything I come across that somehow connects to big boobage.


In case you can’t tell, it’s a picture of a guy who got silicon “breast” implants. . .on his leg. . .to beef up his tattoo of a BBG.  You can get a better look here.

via Jezebel


Bra-Llelujah? Maybe. . .

I just read that Spanx — you know, the company that makes the slimming hosiery and underwear we all own and obsess about — will soon be expanding into bra territory.

I wonder if they’ll work for big boobed gals.  The big selling point for their bra line is that since their over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders are “the first-ever all-hosiery bras” you’ll have no visible bra lines.  The price is right at $34 but I’m concerned that they’ll only go up to a D cup.  Here’s hoping they’ll realize there’s a giant market (no pun intended) above the D ceiling.

In other Spanx related news, I loved this post about a man who decided to figure out what all the fuss is about. . .


A comment on our comments

We get a lot of comments on this blog, most of which we delete. No, we will not send you private photos of us. No, we don’t want to see private photos of you. Yes we’re a blog about boobs but we like to think we handle the matter in a smart way. We may be talking about our bodies and sex but we’re not a porn site. It’s rare that a male commenter comes along who appreciates us for what we are so we’d like to call attention to one of the ones that caught our eye. He writes:

I came across your blog due to a tag surf on “bartenders”. Honest, I swear I don’t surf on body part names ;-)

That entry was a fun read so I checked out the rest of your blog. It’s refreshing to read a blog with proper grammar and spelling. It’s a bonus when the entries are also intelligent and entertaining.

You are both intelligent and attractive people. I look forward to reading your future posts.

Thank you, cigarsmokingman, for “getting” us.


You don’t have to burn your bra, just buy this T-shirt

I’m all for feminism but I think I would be doing a better service to the world if I kept my bra on and burned a girdle or something. Fortunately, this T-shirt allows me to compromise:


via Feministing


Another article about a big boobed gal finding her way.

I feel like I have read this article 100 times before. Or maybe it’s that I know a hundred girls like this one. Or maybe I feel connected to this article because I used to be this girl.

In a nutshell, the author has big boobs, isn’t so happy with them, and then goes and gets fitted for her correct bra size all the while agonizing over her size and lack of comfort with them. By the end of the story, she is still unsure of herself (but much better supported!), she won’t even reveal her bra size, and of course there is no picture to accompany the piece.

When I was in her position (I even went to Town Shop and Orchard Corset like she did), getting fitted for the right bras immediately raised my confidence level in my breasts, completely changing the way I felt about them. I hope that’s the epilogue to this story as well.


The Everything Guide to Bras

I love New York magazine. I still have a subscription even though I left New York two years ago. It has the best features of any magazine I read and this week I was delighted to see that New York is now reading my mind.

I am thrilled to share with you “The Everything Guide to Bras” in 5 parts:

“The mechanics” and “how to increase the shelf life” sections are the most helpful in the piece. But, if you do live in NY, you’ll like following the big boobed author around the best bra shops in NY in her search for the right fit.


Dense and the city

According to a new study from the UK, women who live in cities have denser breasts than their suburban or rural cohorts.  Unfortunately, this means an increased risk for breast cancer.  My boobs are pretty dense as I discussed here.


A part of me I rarely think of

Someone at work complimented my nose the other day.  It was a strange compliment as my nose is a part of me I rarely think of.  My boobs on the other hand are quite lovely (if I do say so myself) and a part of me about which I think quite often.  I rarely get compliments on my boobs in public.  Why is it so taboo?  What makes then so different from a nose?


BBB Linkage

Here’s what we’ve seen in the world of big boobs online lately:


Christina Hendricks is ratings gold

DeeDee came over today and we talked about the BBB for a bit. We both can not believe how many people find us simply by searching for Christina Hendricks. You’ll remember she was the first woman we featured in our “big boobs we like” category. It turns out, you like her a lot too.

Take a look at this photo of Christina from a GQ Mad Men photo shoot. Her boobs look absolutely stunning, don’t they?


A fantasie come true?

I blogged about Fantasie bras a while back. I had heard a few endorsements here and there so I decided to put them to the test and ordered two from my favorite bra provider in New York.

So far, I can see why lots of women chose to live in a Fantasie world. My new bras took some getting used to (I can’t explain why exactly, they just fit differently) but now that they are a little broken in, I am really pleased to endorse them.

The first bra I tried was amazingly supportive and really delicate at the same time. I will write more about it later when I have it in front of me and can reference the style number.

The second one is the Smoothing Molded Balcony bra. At first I wasn’t so pleased, I actually thought about returning it. I wasn’t used to the way it supported me and I found the straps a bit too long. But, I took it for a trial run today and was really pleased. I actually ran to the bathroom at work twice to pull down my shirt in front of the mirror and admire how nice my cleavage looked.

I love that this bra looks like the dainty little bras small-boobed women wear but it offers the kind of support we big boobed gals need. It’s a demi cut and my breasts look absolutely amazing rising up over the top of the cups. If some stranger is going to walk in on me one day when I am wearing only my underwear, I pray that they catch me in this bra. There is something so sexy about a bra that almost feels like it’s too small. Mine is a 36E (it’s a British size) and truthfully, I think I could have gone with a 36F but this one is working for me. I ordered it in chocolate brown which is quite a delicious color.

One thing to remember if you plan on getting one yourself: this is definitely not a minimizer and it is definitely not the most supportive bra out there. In fact, I felt my boobs moving around a bit more than usual but today was a day I didn’t mind the bounce. If you just want a bra to feel sexy in and one you can wear with low-cut tops, this might just be the bra for you.


The itch I just can’t scratch

Lately my nipples have been really itchy. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the dry weather? Anyway, they are incredibly hard to scratch. Forgetting the problem of not wanting to run my fingers over my boobs in public, doing so in private doesn’t give me much relief. I guess it’s easier to scratch something with more surface area. So far the best relief is a technique I discovered while getting out of the shower last night. Rubbing a terry cloth towel over my breasts provides some friction which relieves a bit of the itch. I guess I can try putting lotion on them.
